A collection of riotous acts by ground breaking live art practitioners
Panic Sermons 2014
Sunday 16th November 2014
@ Modern Panic V - Apiary Studios
7.30pm | £8 Adv / £10 Door
Twice Shy Theatre
In the neon-lit twilight of the Twice Shy Peep Show strings are being pulled, but whose and by whom?
A claustrophobic courtesan renders her voyeurs little more than marionettes and leaves them hanging on the edge of desire.
Phil Bedwell
Exploring the body and ageing. What happens when limbs refuse to respond to commands that once came so easily?
And what does it feel like to be alien within ones own skin?
Silvia Ziranek
Performing : “HERE HOW NOW”,
Highlighting societal hierarchies and differences by means of brevity, apparent simplicity, and communication (attempts at). Involving colour, humour, domesticity, anarchic household implements, play objects, word and wardrobe. Conjuring up the changes to the recognition of the individual
through the ages, culminating in how, now, various genders and ages are recognised according to where and how they live.
Venus Raven
Performing : EROS AUTOPSY
‘Love bites and stings me through to see
Her keen face made of sunken bones.
Her worn-off eyelids madden me,
That were shot through with purple once.’
A staging of "The Leper", Algernon Charles Swinburne's poem about necrophilia, incorporated with themes of religious and alchemical symbolism, stigmata, sacrilege, murder, madness, mourning, afterlife union/transfiguration through death, blood as polluted and blood as sacred.
Bang Crosby
This performance is focused on our everyday rituals, seeking to draw out the divine through the transfiguration and re-appropriation of meaning we associate with objects and actions. Every day many of us make tea, prepare food, watch TV/use internet, dress/undress, and generally perform endless menial tasks, without framing them or considering their impact in relation to a connected universe. Bang Crosby draws out a sense of “the other” from the mundane, highlighting the natural magic with we all work on a day to day basis.
@ Modern Panic V - Apiary Studios
7.30pm | £8 Adv / £10 Door
Twice Shy Theatre
In the neon-lit twilight of the Twice Shy Peep Show strings are being pulled, but whose and by whom?
A claustrophobic courtesan renders her voyeurs little more than marionettes and leaves them hanging on the edge of desire.
Phil Bedwell
Exploring the body and ageing. What happens when limbs refuse to respond to commands that once came so easily?
And what does it feel like to be alien within ones own skin?
Silvia Ziranek
Performing : “HERE HOW NOW”,
Highlighting societal hierarchies and differences by means of brevity, apparent simplicity, and communication (attempts at). Involving colour, humour, domesticity, anarchic household implements, play objects, word and wardrobe. Conjuring up the changes to the recognition of the individual
through the ages, culminating in how, now, various genders and ages are recognised according to where and how they live.
Venus Raven
Performing : EROS AUTOPSY
‘Love bites and stings me through to see
Her keen face made of sunken bones.
Her worn-off eyelids madden me,
That were shot through with purple once.’
A staging of "The Leper", Algernon Charles Swinburne's poem about necrophilia, incorporated with themes of religious and alchemical symbolism, stigmata, sacrilege, murder, madness, mourning, afterlife union/transfiguration through death, blood as polluted and blood as sacred.
Bang Crosby
This performance is focused on our everyday rituals, seeking to draw out the divine through the transfiguration and re-appropriation of meaning we associate with objects and actions. Every day many of us make tea, prepare food, watch TV/use internet, dress/undress, and generally perform endless menial tasks, without framing them or considering their impact in relation to a connected universe. Bang Crosby draws out a sense of “the other” from the mundane, highlighting the natural magic with we all work on a day to day basis.