Here's what the press said :

- Dazed and Confused [Interview & Review]
"A new generation will keep his legacy standing"
- Arts London News [Review]
"Get a little William Burroughs style danger in your lives"
- NME Magazine
"A night inside the lucid and fully realised mind of William S Burroughs" - Run Riot [Interview]
"Burroughs the legendary writer is not simply a writer. This event by the same token is not simply an event. Because, he himself, was a deconstruct-er of labels. This event, endorsed by his estate, evades the best of ways" - God Is In The TV
The set is an 'evocative picture of the life and times of writer and resistance troop William Burroughs, from his beginnings in St Louis 100 years ago, to radioactive days, silence and psychic adventure in Morocco, the use of words to create a cultural revolution, the opening of doors to knowledge, resistance, and, finally, love.'
'The show features recordings of Burroughs, and friends and contemporaries such as Allen Ginsberg, Paul Bowles, Terence McKenna, Sun Ra, Robert Anton Wilson, and in particular Brion Gysin, all set to an experimental music soundtrack.
The Third Mind techniques of juxtaposition and cut-up developed by Gysin, Burroughs, and Ian Sommerville are applied to the source material.'
Have a listen below :