The production have kindly offered to our followers a 2 for 1 discount for a limited time and we would like to invite you to come and see this wonderfully warped Carney spin on a surreal sibling rivalry.
When does an all-consuming dream become a nightmare?
In an old circus tent, two brothers fight to the death. As their absurd rivalry builds towards destruction, their entire existence unfolds before them. Primal emotions take hold, furious ambition drives them into an unknown world and an impossible dream looms ever closer.
Inspired by the ancient tale of Cain and Abel, “The Little Soldiers” by acclaimed company Theatre Re combines spellbinding physical theatre and a sonic landscape created by live musical narrative to portray a timeless rivalry.
Ungewinster at The Goblin King's Ball : Photo by Steve White | www.redsquarephotography.co.uk
@ The Cockpit Theatre (Edgware Rd station)
Wed 15 May - Sun 2 Jun
Performances : Tues – Sat at 7.30pm, Sunday at 5pm, Sat matinees at 2.30pm
The Cockpit Theatre (Edgware Rd station)
2 FOR 1 OFFER until May 25: Use code 'CNJ' when booking by phone
Tickets £12 | Box Office 020 7258 2925